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textual character中文是什么意思

用"textual character"造句"textual character"怎么读"textual character" in a sentence


  • 电文字符
  • 文本符号, 正文符号


  • Any valid xml textual characters can appear after the target
  • Unicode uses the remaining code points 256 - 65535 for a wide variety of symbols , including worldwide textual characters , diacritics , and mathematical and technical symbols
    Unicode将其余的码位( 256 - 65535 )用于表示不同种类的符号,包括世界范围的各种文本字符、音调符号以及数学和技术符号。
  • However , you still cannot have these characters appear directly in your documents ; this violates the definition of the mime type used for xml text xml , and might cause problems with tools that expect xml files to contain only textual characters and that treat control characters in a special way
    。但是,这些字符仍然不能直接出现在文档中,因为这样会违反xml所用的mime类型( text / xml )的定义,那些期望xml文件中只含文本性字符并以特殊方式处理控制字符的工具可能会出现问题。
用"textual character"造句  
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